Joss Whedon - Crochet Me a Hero !!

Crafters every where must unite to be freaky about Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly and his most recent project Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

I have loved Joss Whedon's work almost as long as I have loved my husband and there has been a plea to help the folks at Crochet Me in their quest to be the crochet mag that snags the coveted interview with this impressive soul. Apparently last week in an interview Joss stated :
“Fact is, there’s been some buzz, but it hasn’t reached the places it would normally. Where’s our write-up in Crocheting Monthly? (I did a very sexy shoot for that one.)”
The request is simple, if he wants crafty buzz, we are all over it. So Kim at Crochet Me created an impressive list of reasons Joss should grant her the interview and asks that those of us odd enough to comply post a bit with a link to her original article.

So if you are as amused as I am both by Joss's desire to be a hero to all who crochet and by Kim's wish to interview the man, please go and read her blog entry and then post a link and blurb at your site.

Hopefully, we can get Joss's attention with out gun play or blood spillage.

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