UFO sighting

Is it typical of January or are my UFO's (UnFinished Objects) just trying to get my attention? I finally got motivated to finish a quilt I started a loooonnnggg time ago. I have no idea how long.

My church is working on a mission trip to Honduras to build group homes for orphans and so that finally motivated me to finish this quilt so that it can be raffled at church. I no longer even know what this pattern is called but I finally basted it together and machine quilted it. It even has the binding and a label on it! Wow.

Now my sewing muses tell me I have permission to start something new. And there's a new Ottobre out with all these cute children's outfits. Some will look great in coordinated quilt cottons. The only question is this - can I really give up this quilt that has lived with me so long? I think so.

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