I just downloaded Picassa for mac. Having some difficulty, which I take full blame for. I had it scan for images and there were a lot more on my computer than I thought. Otherwise I really love the collage feature.
Today was my first day back at school. I teach Basic Art and Photography. My photo students are going to keep a sketchbook - journal. I am on again off again about them as a teacher, I don't enjoy grading them, and I think they should just want to keep them.
Any who I found a great new book this past weekend,
How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum by Keri Smith
. I rarely find it difficult to stop and look, it is kinda who I am. I do sometimes find it hard to teach others how to stop and look. This book seems pretty good, my student will find some of it hokey but hopefully they will walk away with an interesting document of their culture. One of the first things the book says it to look at the stuff you do everyday, to look at it until you find something of interest. Today we went to the grocery store and I used the Picassa software to create a collage of the trip.
I love Picasa...I had no idea it wasn't for Macs.
Oops...hit submit before I was ready. The collage feature is awesome. I made Christmas gifts for the neighbors by creating a collage of the pictures I had taken of their children through the year and placing them on one 8 x 10. They were so cool! I was really impressed by how easy it was to work with, too.
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