Here is how to make it sew:
Put you name and how you hope to use up all this great fabric in the comment area (this will get you one entry).
Create a link to our shop on your blog or website (this will get you 5 entries), then post a link in the comments, so I can check out your site.
I will use the random number generator to pick a winner on New Years Day.
Edit for international shoppers - I would love for you to enter. If you are the winner you will receive a smaller flat rate envelope full of super scraps ( approx 6-7 yards).
I use fabric to make envelopes it's so cool and fun!
May Canadians enter? I'd use the scraps to make a lap quilt for my mom.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
All those lovely scraps would help me make Project Linus quilts, I try to make two each month.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Hiya... I would use it to make a little robot for the BOY!
And I linked to your post here:
I would use them for doll clothes for my girl's naked babies!!!
I'd make clothes for my dd baby dolls.
I would either make a scrappy quilt or doll clothes.. I posted to both my blogs in the side bars and post!! If you click on my profile name you should be able to see my 2 blogs!!
I belong to the Piecemakers Quilters in Brookhaven, MS. We have several projects a year for charity. Last year we made 150 pillowcases for the Blair Batson Children's Hospital and 20 lap quilts for Hospice. A lot of the material for these projects was given to us from individuals that no longer were able to sew. I am sure we could find a good use for your fabric.
I would use them to decorate some clothing for dd. We were given some clothes with small stains that I'd like to hide. She is growing out of everything and we are really short on cash.
With all that fabric, I'd have lots of choices. My latest favorite project to sew is making (Japanese style) box bags, small purses and clutches, and pincushions. My daughter has recently taken an interest in sewing and has been sorting through my scrap fabrics - I think she would have a great time making things for herself and friends.
What a fun giveaway drawing. I make a lot of dog and cat scarves. Many are given to the animal shelters in our area! Please enter my name in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
Well, with 4 daughters, a son on the way and an impending move from South Louisiana to Oklahoma City, I think we're going to be in need of a bunch of quilts. Would GREATLY appreciate beautiful fabrics. :)
Oh, and i linked to my blog:
Wow all that potential. Most of the things I sew are small and made from scraps.
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